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Old 07-04-2018, 01:32 PM
Busby Busby is offline
Join Date: Jan 2016
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We are, I fear, all stuck in a rut. Had we left our philosophies in the laps of Plato and Socrates we'd probably be much further in what we like to call our spirituality than we are today. At least we would be having valid arguments with agreed upon ends. As it happened instead of logic religion was discovered and suddenly an unfounded and unknowable entity called 'God the Father' was thrown into our midst. We really have wasted centuries stuck with the same old burden on our shoulders and still quite prepared to ignore the slowly gathering glimpses of other realities which modern life and its inventions are now allowing us to observe.
If the aim of human life, and indeed of all life is to attain some sort of heaven wherein we will dwell with angels and golden trumpets then we will in the end be glad when it ends. This my opinion. In fact just thinking about the eons of eternity makes one realise that our existence now just has to be one of an eternal chain of existences and is exactly that which we see in the philosophy of Hinduism - the only religious philosophy which has any connection with what we know in science today.
For me it's almost quite clear, here the weight is on the word -almost- that there is something we haven't yet seen. This missing something is causing us to walk on the spot and has not only confused us for two thousand years but is still continuing to do so.

Dr.Eben's book and the host of other published, filmed, videoed, copied, written, heard, seen and read information which is flooding our brains will probably lead to someone connecting the dots and so come up with the next step for us to take on our journey into the future. This is what the world has been waiting for it's also what science speaks about when science talks about searching for the theory of everything.

Personally I'm in 'this business' because of those things which I have experienced in my life and which indicate to me that there is an energy nearby which is a 'normal or natural' energy but which most people would call supernatural.
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