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Old 07-05-2012, 09:59 AM
I love my Twin Soul
Posts: n/a
Moving a Rock by using my mind

Using a Rock as a Pendulum, one as big as a Rugby Ball
Hi, I was wondering if any Dowsers have been able to use a large rock as a pendulum. I was drawn to doing this a few years ago. I have tried a few different sorts and they all work just like using a pendulum except for the fact that you have to rest your arm on a rail or something as it gets heavy after a while. It goes around and around and back and forth just like a small one. I think I was shown it so that I could understand the power behind it. My reaction to a Pendulum has always been strong, ie, it always goes fast and high. Rocks have high energy, some very high so I am sure there is a connection there that we should learn about. Would love to know your views on it as we all have a lot to learn yet.
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