Thread: Reincarnation.
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Old 02-01-2017, 06:54 PM
Really! Really! is offline
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Posts: 536
Originally Posted by kennedy123
My biggest problem with reincarnation / karma is why the hell do we forget all our prior memories when we enter a new life? If we are getting punished or rewarded for something, we should know what actions caused that result in order to learn the lesson. Otherwise I can see many people born in bad circumstances just grow spiteful b/c from their POV they didn't do anything to deserve it. Hence bad karma could lead to even more bad karma, ... a negative cycle. Why the heck would you get punished for something you don't remember? That's just senseless suffering.

Yes, this could be true for some, but there are those who mindfully change a negative into a positive ...
It may not change their circumstances, however, it's a choice to accept it, sometimes daily, in living what could be a very very long life as well as an opportunity to live a good one ...
Negativity can cause many illnesses as well as drains the soul ...
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