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Old 12-06-2016, 10:19 AM
Goldenstairs Goldenstairs is offline
Join Date: Aug 2011
Posts: 57
My Idea of Heaven is a place that looks like earth but with out the bad and some streets that are real gold and on one street it leads to the thrown of the Almighty God where he sits upon his thrown and is worshipped by all of his people and his Angels.All people love each other and there is no hate nor sickness nor anything that is bad and there is no death also there is no hunger and every person will have all of their needs met forever.It will be peaceful and very exciting because the Lord is exciting and there is nothing like him on earth nor in heaven nor in hell nor in the universe.I think that we won't have to eat but if we want to we can and will not get fat or be sick from it but will only enjoy eating and drinking for pleasure.Every one will know each other as we are known on earth.I think that we will have bodies like flesh but that do not get sick or die.I think we will be able to fly with or with out wings
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