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Old 09-11-2017, 08:50 PM
unicorn68 unicorn68 is offline
Join Date: Nov 2017
Posts: 536
another thought i just spirit is rising im seeing it reflected in my youngest daughter actively seeks me out(she is 5) and happily sits in my lap looking into my eyes with pure love and older daughter who is 7 doesnt actively do this but every day theres a few hugs and cuddles as she meets my eyes with a mischievous smile...and my boy who is 8 is happily playing zombie video games.but from time to time we cross paths and there is always a ruffling of the hair and a bit of a hug going really is quite extraordinary and i feel completely blessed.
omg that just led to another twin was unable to physically have children but doesnt it follow that if we are one soul inhabiting 2 bodies,that they are her kids also?i merely helped her on that one.something like that.(which by the way is not meant to belittle my current partner who actually did the work)
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