Thread: Getting Toned
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Old 06-11-2015, 07:22 PM
keokutah keokutah is offline
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Originally Posted by crestfallen
I have never tried yoga and pilates before. I wonder if I am missing out because I also tend to bulk a little easily whenever I lift weights or use resistance bands and I've always loved that sex symbol look where a woman is tight, toned, but still maintains sexy curves. I hate that the exercising community is extremely masculine and honestly, I hate the whole "women should lift weights hurr durr you'll never bulk up or look manly" when I know women like me who do? I don't know, no disrespect to people out there who love that buff look, but it's just not for me.

I like strong women but it's rare to see. I think I've only ever seen one woman at the gym lifting heavy weights. All women here are afraid of getting strong and lifting weights. Just saying. Lifting weights and having muscle is healthy. I'm not sure why being strong has to be a masculine trait, there is nothing sexier than a strong, healthy woman.
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