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Old 19-09-2018, 07:05 PM
froebellian froebellian is offline
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Originally Posted by Baile
Yes. Experiential insight and inspiration.

Here then I offer this suggestion: the human being's realization with regards to imperfection ("Nothing is perfect"), finds its reflective counterpart in the spirit plane, in the idea that all things -- including spirit, or God if that's what you believe -- are incomplete; are in a continuous and ongoing and eternal state of evolution. The idea here being that something that is not complete and that is not finished, obviously cannot be perfect.

So the OP was asking if God wants us to be perfect. God I feel, wishes us to evolve and learn, therefore one must ask, if one is perfect have they anything else to learn?

As you get older and when 'perfection' falls apart and you realize it's actually okay and you will survive, the actual learning is not the achievement, but how you got there. That's why shortcuts are counter productive and rushing too, because you miss the actual point of it all.

Just my thoughts and observations.
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