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Old 18-01-2018, 05:29 PM
lemex lemex is online now
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Yes, I do to. Though I don't know why. I think it is the experience within touches the hearth chakra and we don't even know it, the spiritual center of love. Some people have been asking what it feels like. This charka is much like the 3rd eye i think in that if it is focused on you become aware of it. If you put your attention on it, it seems to generate energy. It's like a wave of pressure you can feel. When I is drawn to the heart my experience is how it feels like waves of warmth and energy that radiate (energy) outward from this place. You are using the heart. I never really thought about it but this is where I feel it. For me it seems to be generated in the area of the heart. This is what the experience feels like to me when feeling that energy I am aware of, was wondering if anyone else has the same experience about this energy, and is it real. Thing is there is this awareness of it.

I am aware the mind can shut down the heart but if you direct your attention to it, it is really powerful and magical.
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