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Old 26-06-2018, 03:13 PM
Lucky 1 Lucky 1 is offline
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Originally Posted by kelv2020
Think "mini-ice age" might be a better title for this thread.

The unique to this time in history "man made global warming" information came before we really got into ice core drilling seriously by spending serious amounts of research money on it and that drilling revealed cycles of climate change often on a regular basis.

However, funding sources dry up if you don't have "man made global warming" in your query for funds and researchers have huge educational debt themselves, mortgages, children and college for those children to pay.

Rather than CO2, climate change seems to hinge on the Sun and partly on the position of the planets that are the big gas giants Saturn and Jupiter on a rather regular 420 year cycle. It has been dubbed "Grand Solar Minimum," as a theory, and the most obvious outward sign is when the River Thames in England freezes. The cycles are like the seasons but the Global Warming crowd just don't believe their own eyes with snows on the beaches of Morocco, snow this year on the Sahara desert and Rome shutting down due to a snow storm.

On a spiritual level the uptick in CO2 might be GAIA looking after us to increase plankton in the ocean, then increase fish so that humans can change their diet since it is difficult to grow stuff under snow for a good part of the year.

With the sun not having sun spots the earth sort of lets its guard down and cosmic rays penetrate to the surface of the planet. We are seeing high UV rays and even new ones like UVC at ground level. This creates more clouds and also excites the planet so there are more volcanoes. All the particulate matter from the volcanoes in the air with the clouds gives us more rain and/or snow so the oceans will recede as this slowly happens.

We are already about three years into G.S.M. so there is a bit of urgency in getting ready for it to peak in 2030. The ten feet of snow in Boston was maybe the first sign of it if you were looking but most weren't looking for that. Focus has been on warm summers rather than the really unusual winters we've been having.

As Kryon has said the fragile power grids need to be made neighborhood size rather than regional. That technology is already available but suppressed by corporations. We need to end the post WWII "just in time" delivery of goods with local warehouses. It will also be important to have homes with greenhouses to grow your own food which is something Edgar Cayce harped on for decades. In his prophetic dream after the Edgar Cayce trail in Detroit, on his train ride back, his vision was that we all lived in glass houses as he flew from coast to coast in the year 2100 and change.

What will you do when an ice storm isn't twenty-four hours but last a month?

What got me into G.S.M. was doing research on Antarctica related to an investment in L.I.E.D.O.S. The iconic calving of ice down there is mainly due to the ninety-one volcanoes under the ice and not global warming above. With the slow shifting of the poles shifting (check out the airports having to change their landing info like Tampa) the ice is also shifting in Antarctica from the west to the east. In other words, the ice is shifting from the continent to the over the ocean and Al Gore used it as a half truth rather than the whole truth. You can't get on the continent of Antarctica without a non-disclosure agreement these days either or you are very restricted if you do.

Now, Grand Solar Minimum is a theory but it will be tested for six weeks starting on July 19, 2018. All the planets are going to be on one side of the sun starting then that has only happened four times in the last one hundred and twenty years. Has anyone noticed an uptick in the news on volcanoes on earth as the planets take their places? Each of the times the planets were in a similar position (a cycle maybe?) the earth had an uptick in volcanoes and the cooling that came with that.

The good thing that happens during G.S.M. is that humans are stuck inside together near a heat source and have brilliant ideas discussing their beliefs, attitudes, thoughts, feelings and choices. Last G.S.M. the earth got the Declaration Of Independence and the Bill Of Rights. It isn't the end of the world but we will have to learn from our mistakes of living too close to a flood plane or large buildings right on the sea shore. We may see more evidence of the "expanding earth" theory as we discover more about G.S.M. that could involve tsunamis but just a guess on my part.

It is best to do your own research on this because we have been programmed by science and the media for decades to get ready for hot temperatures.

My question when discussing this is in the next ten years will you need a wood burning stove in an emergency or an air conditioner?

Interesting stuff....and yes ice-age is the name for what best fits whats actually happening...In the industry I'm in...well...lets just say that I've gotten to see enough of the real data to know that "man made global warming" is complete bullcarp!!!

And when you have renowned climatologists like John Coleman saying's a bunch of bunk and it's not supported by science...well there's your answer!

Just for fun I'll put up a link to world renowned PhD climatologist John Coleman telling a CNN reporter that he's full of it!
Yes I Am a Pirate! 200 years too late....the cannons don't thunder...there's nothing to plunder...I'm an over 40 victim of fate!

Maybe we're all here because we ain't all there????

If you're lucky enough to have been born in're lucky enough!
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