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Old 18-10-2018, 12:43 PM
Bornonthecusp Bornonthecusp is offline
Join Date: Sep 2017
Posts: 123
It's funny, just as I was thinking to myself that I had nothing to say on the forums lately, this comes up. I have read the book, and I thought it made a lot of sense, it felt right for me. The thing I found most fascinating was what happens to the souls of people who kill themselves and how it seems to push back their journey. If I'm remembering right, they go to a kind of limbo place? Maybe you could correct me if I'm wrong. This seems to be confirmed by Eric Pearl in his book "The Reconnection" And while I can believe this is probably the case as I believe that life is to be lived and learned from (as I;m sure many of us here do) My dad killed himself and visited me in a dream quite a few years ago now, and he seemed happy, like a guide and he wasn't in some limbo place. I got the feeling that he returned to a beautiful place (which I couldn't follow him to) So, my experience is quite inconsistent with that, or perhaps he did what he had to do to continue his soul's path?I don't know...

I have no idea about hypnotherapy, only that it seems to work for people's addictive behaviours and have absolutely no idea about past life regression sessions although I am interested in doing one.

What have you taken from the book so far? What are your thoughts/feelings about it?
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