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Old 18-07-2017, 06:21 PM
dattaseva dattaseva is offline
Join Date: Sep 2016
Posts: 135
The Only Bond That Matters

In a movie, two actors acted as mother and son. In another movie, the same two actors acted as wife and husband. In reality, the two actors are totally unrelated; they are neither mother-son nor are they wife-husband.

Before the movie, the two actors were unrelated, after the movie they are unrelated, only during the movie they temporarily pretend to be related.

That which does not exist before and after the shooting of the movie does not exist even during the time of the shooting.

The mother-son and wife-husband relationships are totally unreal.

In each of the movies, they are only co-actors or co-employees of the same movie producer.

However, the employer-employee relationship between the movie producer and actors remains before the movie, during the movie and after the movie. It is the only real relationship since it is a relationship whose scope is beyond the unreal movie.

Similarly, relationships between souls in this world are unreal, because these relationships did not exist in the previous birth and will not exist in future births. Therefore, they are both temporary and unreal.

The only permanent relation that a soul has is that with God, the Producer of this Cosmic Cinema. This relation is permanent and real. It was there in the past, it is there in the present and will remain in the future.

When a person dies here on earth, his soul with its subtle body (past impressions and feelings) leaves the gross body. The gross physical body is left here and it disintegrates.

As soon as the soul leaves the body, all relationships in this world are also left behind. The soul retains no memory of who his parents, spouse or children were in the past birth. However, the bond with God remains.

Our intense attachment to worldly relationships is simply based on ignorance.
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