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Old 06-09-2006, 02:38 AM
Posts: n/a
Hi Developing1...

When we elect to come into embodiment upon Earth (so I've been told), we are full of enthusiasm for the opportunities for evolution (spiritual development) that this will afford us; and our souls and guidance group gather round us and we plan together the very best embodiment that will have the potential to satisfy our specific desires to learn and increase our spiritual skills. As well as this, we get opportunities to complete unfinished karmic business, and help raise the collective humanity and Earth's vibration also.

However... it often happens that our enthusiasm wanes rather drastically when we get here; we didn't think it would be like this!!! Help! Get me outta here!

Be assured, though, that after we are once again free of the physical body, and have gone through the "de-briefing" process that takes place after 'death', we do get a chance (as far as I understand it) to have a breather if we want it, repair our tattered nerves, and recuperate.

Then we begin to think... "Well, I really would like to perfect this and this skill, and find out how to do such and such... I wonder if.... yes! I'm sure I could do that! I will have a conference with my guides and see if I can get another chance to embody!"

For you see, it is quite an honour to be embodied at this time, as there are opportunities for evolving in this day and age that have not been present for eons of time - and there are many, many spiritual beings watching what goes on, and many others applying for the privilege of taking embodiment. Know that this is a controlled procedure, as if too many people with certain karma were to embody at once, it would cause a problem for global evolution.

So... chin up! and know that we are all much loved and watched over by our guidance, who nonetheless have to let US do the work and experience the embodiment and reap the rewards of skills learnt and karmic debts cleared. As far as I understand it, we do not HAVE to come back; but we will understand that our spiritual development may be seriously impeded by not doing so, and thus want to comply with the requirements of our forward evolution.

Many blessings, and I hope this has helped!