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Old 16-05-2014, 04:41 AM
Egadanadage Egadanadage is offline
Join Date: Mar 2014
Posts: 139
This is such a great story! Thanks for sharing. I've had a similar experience with my grandmother. When she died, I had pneumonia. Although I attended her funeral I was very feverish and the whole thing was such a blur I hardly remember even being there. I didn't cry even though my grandmother was very special to me. I was just really REALLY sick and dazed, and I felt horrible that I wasn't really present for her at the end of her life. Well, less than a year later I was sitting in the same spot at my cousin's funeral, and the priest was speaking and doing his thing...and I felt someone rubbing the back of my neck, although of course no one there was doing so. Still, there it was, like a physical touch. I knew it was my grandmother. She used to always rub the back of my neck whenever we were standing together. She did that with everyone because she was just very kind and liked to be close to people. Although I hate to say I wasn't terribly close with my cousin even though I loved him very much, I started bawling at this funeral because I knew my grandmother was with me, that she was right there with us all making sure we were ok, or perhaps it was to make sure that I had the opportunity to say goodbye to her even though when she passed I wasn't really present due to my illness. She was letting me know she was still my grandmother, no matter that she had passed. It's an experience that I think about often, and one that has led me to continue to speak with those in my life who have passed because I know that although they aren't physically here, they're still with me.
Go outside and feel the wind on your face, smell the fresh air, and connect with nature.
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