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Old 12-04-2017, 01:35 PM
Busby Busby is offline
Join Date: Jan 2016
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I just have to thank you for the trouble you took to reply so deeply and so passionately to my 'silly' question.

Ever since I was a child of eight - and that was 70 years ago - I have been delving into the problem of life. At that age, whilst playing in a London street I suddenly and overwhelmingly was confronted with the understanding of just how those physical (or seemingly physical) 'realities' around us only serve to dissuade us from seeing that the universe is one big single beingness. This phsyical universe is, as I understand it from my own kind/sort of mystical experiences is one of many ways of experiencing (I have to call it consciousness) one of the endless facets of perpetual change.

I see imagination as being the most powerful force that there is, absolutely. This force is not only the power that drives mankind (now, as we know now) but allows us - in our oneness - to create the worlds around us according to our understanding. This imagination has led us to where we are today, our knowledge even of the most banal things to those works of science and art which we today have and in their diversity and magnificence will never end. Everything which we imagine will come to be and the more that comes to be will lead to us imagining more. Everything is true.

A starving suffering child in Somalia is as important to this oneness as is the university education and words of Thomas Campbell, Alan Watts and Albert Einstein. Just to mention three. The only aim of the universe, I think, is to experience. To experience everything and that's going to take a long time!

What we lose on the roundabouts we gain on the swings. No one said this better than Ralph Emerson in his many essays and especially in his essay Compensation. Which I can recommend.

In 1958 I challenged God to show him/her/itself to me, amazingly it worked and I've been shown a number of times that I haven't been forgotten. What a wonderful world - or even better - what wonderful worlds.
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