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Old 20-09-2017, 02:37 AM
winter light winter light is offline
Join Date: May 2017
Posts: 306
Originally Posted by 7luminaries
Just want to of the best movies ever.

On the rest, free will gets "overthought" a lot. Why is it overthought so much? Why so much wrangling? Why so much focus on the Isness as purity of oneness and emptiness and not as individuated love in being, when emptiness is not where we majority live nor are intended to majority live in this, our incarnated reality?

A lion's share of it IMO is resistance of the natural progression toward our own centres, the natural call to be and do love as ownership and equanimity on our own journey. The journey of our own individuated consciousness.

As Bartholomew says, our reality exists within its own dimensional paradigm. What is means is that for now, be here now. For now, be love now.

And that means, above all else, ownership and equanimity. That's what free will is, at this time and in this place in being here now. Folks have a lot of trouble with that, some of them. Until one day, somewhere, sometime, they don't.

Peace & blessings
I think the wrangling you are sensing is personal. A symptom and symbol of my own struggles to reconcile my existence in the world. Too complex to go into right now. And some of the wrangling is just me trying to form words to capture the essence of things. For the sake of discussion and sharing.

I realized that my struggles occur whenever I am focused on myself in relationship to everything else. If I focus on myself as the doer I am lost or if I focus on how my actions will affect me I am also lost. When I just express my true self there is no self-focus and there is no struggle. And there is no conflict as I move as an individual while at the same time in perfect harmony with the whole.

What you see as emptiness is not as empty as it appears and I was coming from a deeper place, not as a denial of the world, if that is what you mean, but rather from a place of wholeness. Equanimity is a useful word to identify the inner feeling of harmony that tells us when we are on the right track and in balance with everything.

At my best I am an artist who gives myself completely to the moment. Whether it be being with another or an act of creativity. I am in complete devotion to the life in front of me. The complete surrender paradoxically leaves a pure expression of individuality.
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