Thread: KARMA
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Old 13-09-2017, 03:28 PM
CIRRUS CIRRUS is offline
Join Date: May 2012
Posts: 110
When we see someone do something bad/negative in life you would think that the negative Karma that has been accrued would be paid back instantly. It would make sense that the person would get punished immediately for this action and learn from it but the majority of the time this does not happen.
Karma is mechanical. If we owe the Karmic debt then we will pay it back either in this life or in the next life/lives. This all comes under the Universal law of 'Cause and effect'.
The key to negative Karma is Intent. If we really think about doing something bad/negative then we will accrue negative Karma.
Our whole life on this planet is Karmic, good and bad.
Remember we can also build positive Karma in our lives by having good thoughts, saying the right words and carrying out good deeds.
We are all responsible for our own Karma.
Light and Peace
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