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Old 24-11-2018, 03:57 PM
EmergingPath EmergingPath is offline
Join Date: Nov 2018
Location: Texas
Posts: 36
Originally Posted by Busby
It is more than possible that we really only do know the absolute minimum. Just enough to get us through the day. This possibility doesn't however mean that searching for answers is pointless, at some time in the future something has to 'give' and we'll have a better idea if we are a little prepared to comprehend easier just how we came to be here. There is no doubt in my mind that this will one day be achieved.
I am in passionate agreement with you on this point Busby! To your last point, if you feel that one day something may give and you will be able to better comprehend more about how we came to be here, then you would agree that some people may already have achieved that, and are further down that path of knowledge than you or I, no? Or do you feel we will all “get it” at the same time in a universal awakening?

If It’s the former, then seeking out those who may be further down that path of understanding is a worthy endeavor.

I agree that we each know what resonates with us as “truth” and “looking” to others for the answers is not going to provide you with everything you need, but may provide some pieces that fit into your unique puzzle of understanding.

Having said that, it is my belief that we should all be very skeptical of those professing that they have all of the answers and are THE path to enlightenment, as many are professing that knowledge solely for their own self aggrandizement.

Originally Posted by Busby
Personally I am not of the opinion that we are here to 'learn', this seems to me to be a weak reason for the development of mankind. Weak because it is something which could be rectified in a second by any creator thus avoiding all calamities and suffering, all of which serve no purpose in a universe which is supposedly one created by a loving god.
On this point I would differ with you as you leave out probably the single most important factor, and that is “free will”.

Like you, I believe that a loving God could eliminate all suffering and pain in a moment, but then we would all just be “robots”, programmed with all of the answers and no need for emotions nor any wish or reason to experience anything that this world offers us in this incarnation, both sorrow and happiness.

I feel that a loving God may show you the way, but in giving you free will, allows you to drive your own actions.

For good or bad, free will is a key to understanding why a loving God would allow pain and suffering, joy and happiness. In my opinion, free will is what makes everything around me make sense. So ”learning” is how we accept what is right and wrong, and we learn from our experiences. And we have experiences because the answers we seek are hidden from us, and in our free will we make choices. And we learn from those choices or we don’t.

And through the pain, suffering, and happiness, those that find enlightenment through their choices and efforts are rewarded at the end with a full understanding as to why things are they way that they are...

Just my opinions

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