Thread: our evolution-?
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Old 27-02-2018, 06:15 AM
weareunity weareunity is offline
Join Date: Jan 2017
Posts: 760
our evolution-?

Hello all.
What can be understood as being both a characteristic of the nature of existence and a characteristic of the nature of the mechanism of constant evolution is that the "whole" of existence is connected by cause and consequence.

As a consequence of this connection, as a consequence of being of this "whole", what we think and what we believe is important since this has consequences for what we do and how we do it.

In terms of physical existence it is however what we do and how we do it which is our direct connection with existence--physical existence.

As a species we can view our input/impact upon existence because of this inevitable connection as being in need of careful management--or not. As being a creative responsibility--or not. As being a personal or collective responsibility--or both.

As we do so--if we do so--we establish a connection of a different nature, a connection not confined to being simply physical. It seems possible, perhaps probable, that our understanding of this connection will greatly increase as--and if--we enter into it. What begins as a pragmatic necessity for our collective physical survival, a new way forward, may become understood as having been always present but only now recognised, as well as having possibly far greater consequences than we might ever have imagined.

Is this our evolution?

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