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Old 09-05-2018, 08:59 PM
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Feedback for Realm Ki
Thanks. It makes a little sense. Thanks for re-reading for me.

Reading for angelic star

the lady, three of wands, king of wands, five of cups

A time of new freshness is approaching, new fruits are going to grow. You will get rest from the problems in your life and you will be rewarded for your hard work. Your journey will take you on a new road that will allow you to learn about yourself and discover more about life.

Question for traceyacey12
What is G currently thinking of me?

prince of cups, three of wands, eight of wands, five of cups

He is currently sad. He is wanting to dip his toe in the waters with you (enjoy himself). The relationship is now blooming, but full bloom is in the far future. Right now the relationship is budding but the full force relationship sort to speak is in the future. It is up to you (me) to shape the direction of this relationship and what happens now -- this will require work like a dedicated farmer. Up ahead is a new, luscious, unexplored world. You have cleared the instances for now.
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