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Old 11-09-2017, 04:26 AM
SkyGodWarrior SkyGodWarrior is offline
Join Date: Sep 2016
Posts: 719
Thanks for the responses guys! I understand where you both are coming from and I think our outlook on life comes from looking in. To you both you see the flaws of a society and see the potential for falling into darkness. I in return see that there are a group of people controlling the masses through Trojan horse style influence but see that the world made of light. I think that if there was no system that caused people to see a fictionalized system that favored one person or another that are differences would dissolve. There would be no reason to be rude or treat people unfairly then.

Haha I even heard that there was a being described as Jesus that came back and was doing a lot of similar things down in Africa and the world government basically shot him down. Then he came back to life.... then they kidnapped him and chopped him up and sent his parts to different regions of the world to be burned and after that... lol he came back. He left a message though that he would be back and that he would come with thousands of his people...

Its dumb that a few people make a lot of decisions that allegedly represent us when we know for sure that they care more about their corporate partners than anything else. Its not their fault they need the money to keep running and promoting themselves.... what is a person to do?

Isee your point R6 but these weapons represent a type of mind that formed years ago and is on the verge of being extinguished. There is no real reason to having them they are more like ego than weapons.
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