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Old 28-07-2015, 07:31 PM
Kulstor Kulstor is offline
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I decided to ask Alura some more questions.

So most are not aware of they are in a hologram like I can feel that I am, Hard to describe what I mean. <we understand what you mean. and as we mentioned that incident that happened, when you fell when you were 12, afterwards did allow you to know, feel, there's not the right English words but basically you are inside a hologram sort of thing. You could say that earth is a hologram within a hologram, since the true reality is what you call non physicality, with the 1 step from this is what the various alien races refer to as reality, the lyrans, Pleiades and so forth. with earth a huge step from this and its hologram much more restrictive and solid, very very low density. At present being 3d, transitioning to 4d. But yes you can feel you are inside a hologram and there is a reality behind that one, so to speak. You've been able to feel that, but since your energy, as part of being incarnated, is so focused on 3d, and due to the mechanics of incarnating there, the complexity of which we don't need to go into here, keep you from being able to see the reality that is behind the 3d hologram, so to speak. Though you can feel that reality, your clair feeling being pretty well developed and totally free of this since there is no real 3d equivalent to this to muddle or block the issue. With what you'd experience as visual, there is the physical sight that over rides it, unless blocked, like having your eyes covered, like you do for meditations, though they way your energy is so inter meshed with the 3d physical brain, it over rides a lot of non 3d stuff. Though some things like your clair sensing and channeling is mostly free from this, but with channeling it is easy to muddle it with doubt, am I making all of this up, ect. the clair hearing is muddled by physical hearing. Part of one of the mechanisms of incarnating. The sense has to be, sort of , retrained.

But it does mean when the physical body can no longer support you being enmeshed with it and are free, it'll indeed but like pulling a cork from a bottle as we have mentioned, but due to the conditions of the earth at present you'll likely start to feel tired shortly afterwards and want to sleep for a while. Preferably at home. So you'll be escorted home, by who will be a surprise, it may be by more then 1. Or you may forget this or just decide to pop home. It would be more enjoyable, perhaps, to have someone, or more then 1, to talk to and experience it taking say 5 or 15 minutes to get home. and to help with the transitioning, rather then going pop home, since your home is not 3d.

it also makes sense that you don't' want to be there since earth and 3d are not, neither of them, native for you.


So, is a monad at 1 level or more then 1? <Think of a monad like a soul, but one that has grown, evolved, progressed, past a certain point. To where they are not referred to as a monad. And from there they still grow, progress, evolve upwards. Some may apply labels like a planetary being, stellar being, galactic, universe being, and like that. Those are really labels, and you can see they are souls that have grown up to a certain point and past it. Say like elementary school, jr high, high school, jr college, university, post graduate level classes, doctorate level classes, ect.


So am I a monad level being and if not how close? <You've experienced yourself and us as being the same being, so in that point of view yes. The conscious memories and soul knowledge will encompass this, but the soul memories may take a lot longer to fully integrate into your conscious mind and most of them you may need to wait till you get here. The soul knowledge is easier to integrate into your 3d self since it requires, less energy one could say. Though the basics, will integrate first, with the much more detailed would integrate later on. All at their own speed. And feel free to ask, talk to us or others you have been regularly talking and conversing with. We can clear things up for you and sometimes by talking to us it'll help to integrate the soul knowledge, consciously. But yes you can say you are a monad level being now. And we'll be glad to help teach you, as some would also, to guide you, but the light body course you are taking and the ones you've picked out, and the kindle books you have read and are reading and have picked to buy later, do make an excellent starting base and some help also, the books that is, to strengthen and reinforce your foundation so to speak. the various light body courses do this to an extent, but also help you to expand, more into your true being and form an excellent basics, with us coming later on as needed to further the lessons, picking up from where they left off, or covering areas they did not cover. But continue doing those. That is why we've not come in to start to teach or guide you as much as would be normal since those do form and excellent learning tool for you and form an excellent basic course for you to learn from, the kindle books forming a tool to help strengthen and reinforce your foundation. Learning some bits from them too, a foundation level type of thing. There'll be plenty of time to learn later and if we feel you need any more teaching in how to be a monad level being we'll love to do that and all of us would enjoy it, you included.

and as your soul knowledge says, there are some who get up to say 8d or 10d and have not to much interest in things below 6d or 7d, there are some like you who will likely be active at 4d+, though no interest in 3d at all. 4d maybe some interest. And you do not need to incarnate to be across all those levels. if one incarnates into say a 4d, 6d, you'd experience being physical, but also some soul stuff, since that is less restrictive, unlike earth, which is extremely restrictive. you can be an en-souled being and be active say from 4d up through 8 or 10d. and visit a higher dimension or density from time to time. and no you don't have to merge with us once the incarnation ends. many beings who are part of a monad do decide to be independent, becoming their own independent monad level being. This is not unusual at all. It is quite common in fact. Though many also do decide to merge or remain what you could call an aspect of the monad being. It is around say 50/50 let's say. We've not looked into it so can't give you a real percentage, but it's not that uncommon.


How about removing doubt & fear or dealing with it ? < as your idea that you got before. there are some upcoming meditations. you may want to listen to a few of them, the sup personality and maybe healing the inner child one, for the doubt and fear, though those are very much just like fragments , absolutely nothing like before. And you can take a moment to switch out of that easily, as you have done a time or 2 before. you are very close to not having to deal with those, except for the fragments, or you could say you are already there. We'd say do as you plan on doing, and if you do experience a bit of it, switch out of it. And as you've done spend extra time embracing, accepting yourself and talking to yourself about the higher reflection and truth and such as you have done before. part of this is the habit thinking that you are loosing, also some of it is from outside sources, like many are use to thinking in those ways, though they may not be conscious of it, so the energy is around so may effect you a bit. You'll very soon get to where these 2 won't be a problem any more at all.

You're really doing fantastic, continue the great work and as you plan on doing, and you'll do even better then fantastic over the next few days, weeks months and longer. You'll surprise yourself at how great you do and before you know it you'll be home and back among us and able to really be with us, your friends, lovers, mates and such. and need never incarnate again unless you wish to, but we don't see you incarnating ever again, since you have progressed past that and have no real interest in that. Others will step in to do that that you use to do when you have incarnated in the past. part of why this incarnation feels like winding things down, since that is precisely what it is, winding things down where you won't incarnate anymore. after all you need not incarnate to do what you'll really want to be doing once you return here.

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