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Old 07-01-2018, 09:02 PM
Realm Ki Realm Ki is offline
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Originally Posted by FairyCrystal
Not certain if you mean soul family or soul group. I believe these are different, just don't ask me to give a description

I'm of the school "words are too limited for the divine - what-ever-works", ie i will not attempt to learn too many definitions, especially since people understand words so differently anyway. Any close approximation will do, and we will each get the message from another that we need :)
My question was meant as broad as possible; have you connected to souls to do lightwork and how if so have you done lightwork / helped eachother with lightwork :)

I don't feel you have to come together in the flesh to be working together. People who are part of your soul group and have the same goals can be doing that on the other side of the world and you may never meet. Yet, on a higher level you still are both working on the same goal and still working together and both 'feeding' the group.

Absolutely agree! Both in the sense that we can connect f.ex. via internet, but still physically be in contact - electronically. (Or letters for that matter, that is a wonderful way of corresponding!)

But also telepathically, I am in touch with at least three from my group telepathically.

I just also believe there are a few more out there to whom I need to make myself known :)

It's not like you have to wait with doing what you came here to do until you've got your soul group members in your phone list, hihi. Just do your thing, work on your goals, what you came here to do. That is the surest way to get in touch with other from the group because then you are on the same vibration.
That would be sending out a beacon... Right now it may not work because you have no clue what frequency to broadcast on. You may very well be on 93FM and the majority of your group may be actively working on the group's goal at 106FM.
That's the same analogy I gave you when I said: the right people will appear at the right time --> you're both on the same frequency so you meet up.
So the best chance to get in touch with your soul group is to get active on your soul's path and what you came here to do, because then you're on the same frequency.

I really like the FM analogy. And I also feel certain what ever is supposed to happen will happen. (And of course I am also 'beaconing' via my vibration, haha, that's the easy part...:) I really don't think my posting here with shift my frequency, or hinder my frequency to reach any other level )

Actually, I've found through reading quite a few similar posts and responses over the past few days/weeks, that there seems to be a sort of collective aversion here on the forum against reaching out for contact.

Very often in posts stating a wish to connect there is the same response; don't go looking, it will come when you least expect it. Focus on your inner work. Whether the connection sought be love, friendship or in my case soul family / workmates.

It seems we get nervous about others reaching out for contact; like it would be jinxing it, or weak or wrong or desperate?

Of course it is not weak or desperate to show one's self.
Of course it is not automatically problematic to state one is open for contact.

I am not alone and I am not lonely.
I am doing lightwork and I am growing with my light each day.

I spend time with my creator/the light every day.
I've begun a whole new set of energywork, experimenting and so far failing horribly - it's all fun and growth.

I live in a big city and everytime I go outside I do lightwork - streets, busses, subways, neigbors, other dogowners, storemanagers, begars - more often than not to I register if there is sth that needs clearing, for streets with traffic I just hold out 'my wing' so that traffic passes by and gets a 'instigating' sparkle - just driving through pure light with for lack of words a 'start up energy', a change, a first, a sudden question, a wake-up, a 'what-was-that?'.

I have a big fellowship of support - if not all personal friends. So far I've had little space in my life for such, but all in the right time... I am in no rush, I am by far lonely!

But I still get advice like above in all friendliness. I just think we should all ask ourselves why we downplay and 'advice against', directly or indirectly, people to look for contact.

This forum is not outside life's flow

Life and life's flow can include reaching out - without it being a sign of 'lack'. It can be a sign of balance and growth and curiosity and love.

In my case, I am truly posting out of curiosity; are my friends here, maybe? Will they hear me now?

I will not despair if they are not here Honestly. I believe we are zoning in on eachother, and will find eachother before long.

Also, I posted out of deep curiosity for how others have worked with their friends with lightwork / healing, and I'm really grateful for all and any input on that.

So, fire away dear co-op lightworkers with whatever you've got?
Love and Light - and Life!

And we turn our attention to the world, not away. We receive our learning from the songs it sings and the choir of One we're all in.

And while we walk gently, we generate love, healing, the most powerful energy of all, Life!

Soaking in life, we spread the light <3
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