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Old 05-08-2006, 09:30 PM
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The Gospel of Thomas ( Part II )



His disciples said to him: On what day will the rest of the dead come into being? And on what day will the new world come? He said to them: That which ye await has come, but ye know it not.


The dead who think they are alive, or the sleeping who think they are awake, do not know peace. They are always busy with their thoughts, with their past and future, with solving problems, with acquiring and defending their property and opinions, and with giving sense to their senseless lives. If they stop doing that, the new world starts. The awakened are already part of this new world, but the other people do not see it.



His disciples said to him: Twenty-four prophets spoke in Israel, and they all spoke concerning (lit. in) thee. He said to them: You have neglected him who is alive before you, and have spoken about the dead.


All prophets and mystics have seen a glimpse of the new mankind, but they have been unable to show the way unequivocally. They always got caught in the elaboration of the message, or they gave in to their vanity. The true master, the righteous, serves the interest of mankind.



His disciples said to him: Is circumcision profitable or not? He said to them: Were it profitable, their father would beget them from their mother circumcised. But the true circumcision in spirit has proved entirely profitable (lit.:has found usefulness altogether).


If the foreskin were harmful, man would have been born without it. If it made sense for man to fly, he would have been born with wings, and if it were necessary to dress, man would have been born with fur. All mutilations and adaptations which man has made to himself, do not serve life but his way of life only.



Jesus said: Blessed are ye poor, for yours is the kingdom of heaven.


Blessed are those who have little property and have filled their heads with little knowledge. They are the ones who have little to lose. They only have to part with little, as opposed to the rich and the scholars. He who loses his social life will still have true life.



Jesus said: He who shall not hate his father and his mother cannot be my disciple, and (he who does not) hate his brethren and his sisters and take up his cross like me, shall not be worthy of me.


For generations, parents have passed on their luggage to their children, blended with their own prejudices, fears, self-conceit, ambitions and other scars they incurred in their lives. That is why it says that the sins of the fathers will be transferred to the third and fourth generation. If you want to become whole, you have to get rid of the luggage of your parents, as do your brothers and sisters and of course your parents and their parents too. Do love them, but not their thoughts and deeds. It is a difficult task, but if you do not want to sacrifice this, you will not awaken.



Jesus said: He who has known the world has found a corpse, and he who has found a corpse, the world is not worthy of him.


He who has seen through society with all its uselessness, unrighteousness and contradictions and has distanced himself from it and refuses to take part in it any longer, is too good for that world.



Jesus said: The kingdom of the Father is like a man who had [good] seed. His enemy came by night, he sowed a weed among the good seed. The man did not allow them to pull up the weed. He said to them: Lest perhaps you go to pull up the weed, and pull up the wheat with it. For on the day of harvest the weeds will be manifest; they will be pulled up and burned.


In essence, man is perfect. However, he does not realize it. Self-conceit and pride have landed him with matters that are contrary to his nature. You have to realize what is improper before you can get rid of it.



Jesus said: Blessed is the man who has suffered; he has found true life.


You have to sacrifice a lot and fight a heavy fight with yourself. However, if you will lose the fight with yourself anyway, why not surrender now? The reward is blessedness and a life without sorrow and pain.



Jesus said: Look upon the living One so long as you live, that you may not die and seek to see him, and be unable to see.


He who has awoken will never be able to fall asleep again without deceiving himself. The deceit of the sleeping is a collective, repressed and unconscious deceit. The self-deceit of the awoken is conscious and for that he is blameworthy.



They saw a Samaritan carrying a lamb going into Judaea. He said to his disciples: Why does he carry the lamb? They said to him: That he may kill it and eat it. He said to them: So long as it is alive he will not eat it, but if he kill it, it become a corpse. They said: Otherwise he will not be able to do it. He said to them: You also, seek for yourselves a place within for rest, lest you become a corpse and be eaten.


As long as you do not lead a true life, you are "dead" and liable to illnesses and emotions that eat up your mind. Therefore, look for the true life.



Jesus said: Two shall rest upon a bed; one shall die, the other live. Salome said: Who art thou; O man? And whose son? Thou hast mounted my bed, and eaten from my table. Jesus said to her: I am he who is from that which is equal; to me was given of the things of my Father. Salome said: I am thy disciple. Jesus said to her: Therefore I say, when it is equal it will be filled with light, but when it is divided it will be filled with darkness


The degenerated man has two souls: the wise one and the opinionated one. The first leads to life, the other to death. The enlightened soul is the simple one, in whom the opinionated soul has died.



Jesus said: I tell my mysteries to those [who are worthy of my] mysteries. What thy right hand shall do, let not thy left hand know.


Only the one who is open to another life and longs for righteousness will understand these words of life. Act without meaning.



Jesus said: There was a rich man who had many possessions. He said: I will use my possessions that I may sow and reap and plant, and fill my barns with fruit, that I may have need of nothing. These were his thoughts in his heart. And in that night he died. He that hath ears, let him hear.


Always busy securing the future, always busy becoming happy, never having time to live, men miss life. As soon as they have organized everything, it is too late and they pass away without having truly lived. Working is for fools.



Jesus said: A man had guests, and when he had prepared the dinner he sent his servant to summon the guests. He came to the first; he said to him: My master summons thee. He said: I have business with some merchants. They are coming to me in the evening. I will go and give them orders. I pray to be excused from he dinner. He went to another; he said to him: My master has summoned thee. He said to him: I have bought a house, and they ask me for a day. I shall not have time. He came to another; he aid to him: My master summons thee. He said to him: My friend is about to be married, and I am to hold a dinner. I shall not be able to come. I pray to be excused from the dinner. He went to another; he said to him: My master summons thee. He said him: I have bought a village; I go to collect the rent. I shall not be able to come. I pray to be excused. The servant came, he said to his master: Those whom thou didst summon to the dinner have excused themselves. The master said to his servant: Go out into the roads. Bring those whom thou shalt find, that they may dine. The buyers and the merchants [shall] not [enter] the places of my Father.


He who thinks his occupations in society are more important than life, he who is attached to his properties and is not willing to detach himself, he who is attached to his cage and does not dare leave it, he who is addicted to his pleasures and is not willing to give them up, he who swills in his power and does not see the unrighteousness of doing so, will never join the feast of true life.



He said: A good man had a vineyard. He gave it to husbandmen that they might work it, and he should receive its fruit from their hand. He sent his servant that the husbandmen might give him the fruit of the vineyard. They seized his servant, they beat him, and all but killed him. The servant came (and) told his master. His master said: Perhaps they did not know him. He sent another servant; the husbandmen beat the other also. Then the master sent his son. He said: Perhaps they will reverence my son. Those husbandmen, since they knew that he was the heir of the vineyard, seized him (and) killed him. He that hath ears, let him hear.


Men who have been given the earth to live on to inhabit and enjoy its overwhelming nature, have destroyed nature in their foolishness, greed and vanity, and still they continue. Only men who, in their haughtiness, place themselves outside of and above nature can do such things. All those who raise their voices against this are scoffed at and declared unpractical fools or are killed as heretics.



Jesus said: Teach me concerning this stone which the builders rejected; it is the corner stone.


The entire societal building, the entire culture, the entire tower of Babel is built on degenerated men. If humankind would return to its roots, the whole building would collapse. A man who is real only needs himself.



Jesus said: He who knows the All but fails (to know) him-self lacks everything


He who believes nature is imperfect thinks he is imperfect as well. He who believes nature is to be improved believes he can improve himself.



Jesus said: Blessed are you when they hate you, and persecute you, and do not find a place in the spot where they persecuted you.


If people hate and pursue you, then you know you are on the right path. Honesty and righteousness are punished mercilessly in a dishonest and unrighteous society.



Jesus said: Blessed are they who have been persecuted in their heart; these are they who have known the Father in truth. Blessed are they that hunger, that they may fill the belly him who desires.


Men who do well in society, who receive esteem from others and those who have reached success in the world have no motivation to change their lives. Only those people who stand with their backs to the wall: the losers, the deprived, they who hunger for righteousness, will be ready to accept a change in their lives.



Jesus said: When you bring forth that in yourselves, that which you have will save you. If you do not have that in yourselves, that which you do not have in you will kill you.


Your conscience will save you if you obey it. Honesty will finally win. If you do not listen to your conscience, you will perish without having lived.



Jesus said: I will des[troy this] house, and none shall able to build it [again].


"Jesus" was convinced his message would end culture and the untrue life. He foresaw men returning to simplicity 'en masse' during his lifetime, and that men would destroy all products of this society so that none of it would remain



[A man said] to him: Speak to my brethren, that they may divide my father's possessions with me. He said to him: O man, who made me a divider? He turned to his disciples (and) said to them: I am not a divider, am I?


The message of "Jesus" is meant to restore the lost unity of humankind, not to distribute property in a fair way, since in a righteous society there is no property, but all belongs to everybody.



Jesus said: The harvest indeed is great, but the labourers are few; but pray the Lord, that he send forth labourers into the harvest.


Notwithstanding the enormous misery in this world and how many there are who can no longer cope with life in this society, there are only a few who understand. They are the voices of one crying in the wilderness.



He said: Lord, there are many about the well, but no one in the well.


Many long for the full life, but the words of their leaders are empty.



Jesus said: There are many standing at the door, but the solitary are they who shall enter the bridal chamber.


Many want a happy life, but are not willing to give up their inner division. Only the simple ones, those who will not run with the hare and [also] hunt with the dogs will reach blessedness.



Jesus said: The kingdom of the Father is like a merchant was who had a load (of goods) and found a pearl. That merchant was wise. He sold the load, and bought for himself the pearl alone. You also, seek after his treasure, which does not perish but endures, where moth does not enter to devour, nor does worm destroy.


Get rid of all things that are not typical of man, such as your false needs, and be yourself. That is the only thing that cannot be taken from you.



Jesus said: I am the light that is over them all. I am the All; the All has come forth from me, and the All has attained unto me. Cleave a (piece of) wood: I am there. Raise up the stone, an ye shall find me there.


He who has found himself feels unity with the entire creation and all creatures. The mystical experience gives that feeling momentarily. Enlightenment is a lasting mystical experience. It is an everlasting pantheistic experiencing.



Jesus said: Why came ye forth into the field? To see reed shaken by the wind? And to see a man clothed in soft raiment? [Behold, your] kings and your great men are they who are clothed in soft [raiment], and they [shall] not be able to know the truth.


Why do you enter society? To gaze in admiration at the false appearance of it? At the lovely outside that hides rotting and decay? At the great men on earth who are only as small as man? At their erudition and knowledge that conceals their ignorance? At the ingenious buildings that are insignificant compared to the wonderful majesty of creation?



A woman in the crowd said to him: Blessed is the womb which bore thee, and the breasts which nourished thee. He said to her: Blessed are they who have heard the word of the Father and have kept it in truth. For there shall be days when you will say: Blessed is that womb which has not conceived, and those breasts which have not given suck.


It is of no merit to parents if somebody, forced by circumstances, leaves the world of shadows and comes to rest in the true world, neither is it a merit to himself. He did not know what he was looking for when he started his search and found what he had never expected. Nowadays, one should not be envious of people who have brought children into this world, for they have to educate them and split them until they fit into this split society. They have to teach them that sorrow, pain and unrighteousness belong to life. That is why it says: it would be better for them if a millstone were put around their necks and they were thrown into the sea than to seduce any of these little ones into sin.



Jesus said: He who has known the world has found the body, and he who has found the body, the world is not worthy of him.


He who has seen through society, with all its contradictions and false appearances, understands himself. He has found himself. He has reached the ultimate wisdom and is greater than all great men of the world. And, he realizes that it is achievable for everybody.



Jesus said: He who has become rich, let him become king, and he who has power let him deny.


He who has found true life sees through society and his fellow men. This enables him to use his knowledge for his own sake, for it gives the master power over his disciples and society. Resist the temptation to misuse it, however.



Jesus said: He who is near to me is near the fire, and he who is far from me is far from the kingdom.


He who sticks close to himself is close to enlightenment. The bigger the gap between the inside and the outside, the more untrue you are and the more darkness there is.



Jesus said: The images are revealed to man, and the light which is in them is hidden in the image of the light of the Father. He shall be revealed, and his image is hidden by his light.


If man feels one with creation, he will experience that whatever inspires himself, inspires creation. He will experience it, but will not see what inspires everything. He will see "god" without seeing him.



Jesus said: When you see your likeness, you rejoice; but when you see your images which came into being before you -- they neither die nor are made manifest -- how much will you bear?


Rejoice if you see who you really are. However, if you experience the uncreated that penetrates everything, can you cope with that?



Jesus said: Adam came into being out of a great power and a great wealth, and yet he was not worthy of you. For if he had been worthy, he would not have tasted death.


The original man was a beautiful and perfect man, but he has spoiled it for himself and his descendants by not listening to his conscience and by ignoring his nature, as well as nature as a whole. Therefore, he has "died". Still, small children are the true men, though their parents lead them into the underworld without knowing what they do.



Jesus said: [The foxes have] the[ir holes] and the birds have [their] nest, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head and rest.


Every creature has its place in the world, which it has been assigned. Where every animal obeys his nature, man has deviated from his because of his stubbornness. He no longer listens to his nature but fights it. His conscience is never leaves him in peace.



Jesus said: Wretched is the body which depends upon a body, and wretched is the soul which depends on these two.


It is a curious spectacle for somebody that has awoken to watch one who is sleeping be guided by another who is sleeping or to hear a conversation between two sleeping ones. It resembles a discussion between two masked people or two exterior bodies. Miserable is the conscience that dwells in both and that is overruled by the insane mind.



Jesus said: The angels come to you, and the prophets, and they shall give you what belongs to you; and you also, give them what is in your hands, and say to yourselves: On what day do they come and take what is theirs?s


As soon as you have awoken, false messengers and prophets who do not exactly understand you, try to give you what you already have and try to make clear to you what you already know. Be strong and do not listen to them, but know that you must listen to yourself unconditionally. Try to make that clear to them and wonder when they will understand.



Jesus said: Why do you wash the outside of the cup? Do you not understand that he who made the inside is also he who made the outside?


Why do you pay attention to your exterior and why do you clean and beautify your bodies? He who is perfect on the inside is also perfect on the outside. He who is mutilated inside is mutilated on the outside also, for the body is the mirror of the soul. Nobody gets more beautiful by decorating the outside of his body. What poverty does today