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Old 25-03-2013, 12:00 AM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Tezorian
You say what i wanted to say. Still am, but it's good to see a more indepth reply.
I'm guessing this is where a lot of things go astray. We want to change the world, but we do so in a way that's the same as how the world is being kept this way.
We "force" our own thoughts out there, to be heard, no with a hope to be heard.
"You have to" has never brought change. It has brought obedience. It has brought oppression. It has built a world that's built upon appearances and lies, not truth and equality.

To say "Capitalism is the only way" or "socialism is the best way" are both false. You can't have socialism if the mind is set on capitalism and vice versa.
This truly is the chicken or the egg story. Discussing the pros and cons will get us nowhere.

I read about a professor that did a little experiment to prove why socialism will never work.
He would give everyone the same grade, based on the average of the entire class. This is a very good example why it won't work... RIGHT NOW. But it does clearly show the problem. That it's NOT the system that has the flaw.
The first period, there were people who studied hard and would be sure to get a good grade. A few others thought, i don't need to study, because it's going to be averaged. The result was a B+
Second period, those who didn't study increased and those that did study, didn't study as they did before. Result. C-
Third period, only a few glanced over the material, since it made no difference in the end. The result was terrible and the fourth period everyone got an F.

Conclusion was, this is why socialism is never going to work. But it was not the system that was at fault, or was it?
My view on "socialism" is not just that everyone gets the same, no matter what. It is that everyone does their part, but not because they have to. Because they want to. And THAT is why socialism is not going to work right now. Capitalism is because people have to. Those in favor of capitalism will not agree with those in favor of socialism.

You can call them blind, ignorant, stupid or stubborn, but if you can't calmly discuss a subject and refuse to see their point of view, so are you.

If you had the choice to have everything in abundance and way more than you would ever need or have nothing but be healthy and happy, what would you choose? How can you choose if you do not know what healthy or happy is? Words are words and can never fully describe the feelings or thoughts one has. As such words are nothing but definitions that can differ from person to person.

Originally Posted by Tezorian

If you had the choice to have everything in abundance and way more than you would ever need or have nothing but be healthy and happy, what would you choose? How can you choose if you do not know what healthy or happy is? Words are words and can never fully describe the feelings or thoughts one has. As such words are nothing but definitions that can differ from person to person.

This is what frustrates me so much about the relentless consumerism of western society at the's like a runaway train that's so quick, it's easy to forget it wasn't this way as little as 20 years ago, maybe even less. We're taught to expect all our needs in some way to be met through our buying habits- self-esteem, hunger, even dating to an extent....I'm part of probably the last generation that did not grow up relying on the immediacy of the internet, I didn't have an email account until I was about 20. There must be a biological consequence of this. We're just not making the same neural connections from our interactions with the world as our ancestors did. How many generations would it take to completely lose what was once common sense?

I'm tired...will come back to this later...
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