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Old 22-11-2017, 04:47 AM
hutchis01 hutchis01 is offline
Join Date: Nov 2017
Posts: 16
Moon Of Active Creation By Sonja Myriel

Dearly Beloved Awakening and Awakened Ones,

The world around us is changing as WE ARE CHANGING our old patterns and habits, saying farewell to victim and perpetrator consciousness, inviting and welcoming new and healthy thoughts, emotions and corresponding action into our life. Today the door for CHANGE is opening. Let us take advantage and contribute our share to the prophecy fulfilling!

We see former victims overcoming their fear of persecution, outing themselves, telling the public what happened to them, we witness women who were abused showing courage in airing the unthinkable and we read and watch documentals about purposeful bloodshed, organised organ removal and transplantation and more. This moon let us focus our meditative attention on bringing LIGHT to all these scenarios!

I would like to invite you all to sit in quiet meditation for one minute - or be it one hour or any other time inbetween - each day with a candle lit, immersed in the frequency of your I AM Presence and the I AM Presence of All of Humanity focussing on LOVE empowering each man, woman and child on Earth!

This moon is going to lead up to the darkest time on Earth on the Northern hemisphere whence the LIGHT will be reborn while in the South the days are still getting longer and longer until the climax will be reached on December 21. America, Russia, China and the Middle East are all located in the Northern hemisphere where the nights are still getting longer and longer but the New Light is already beginning to sip through - and we, the awakening and awakened ones, the Divine Lightrods on Earth, are preparing for the REBIRTH of the CHRIST LIGHT through Humanity which will take place during the 7 days from December 20 to 26, 2017!

During this time period until December 18 do as much as you can in order to ACTIVELY do good and raise humanity's awareness of what is going on behind the scenes! Organise family meetings, donations for those in need, events to raise awareness, to meditate and sit together in silence and oneness, and to talk about and SHARE the inner and outer changes you are and have been experiencing throughout your soul's awakening. Use the time of ADVENT to PREPARE for the RESURRECTION of the CHRIST LIGHT on EARTH and CELEBRATE TOGETHER the dawning of LOVE and COMPASSION on our beautifulf, living, breathing PLANET GAIA TERRA SHAN VEJ! Do not keep the joy of ascending into the higher spheres of the acknowledgement of our natural DIVINITY to yourself but share it and pass on the SPARK of the LIVING LIGHT to all who you are and come into touch with every day! A smile, a word, a hand stretched out at the right time, a coin given with humility and the wish for the other to prosper ... follow the lead
of your HEART and witness how LOVE is going to spread and multiply without effort, touching upon the lives not only of the one person you are interacting with at that moment, but all who shall be touched in turn by this person's reawakened SELF-LOVE and SELF-esteem!

The FLAME of LOVE, the FLAME of WISDOM, the FLAME of DIVINE WILL and POWER ... the THREEFOLD FLAME UNFOLDING is igniting the VIOLET FLAME ACTIVITY in our lives and the lives of all life streams we are touching upon ... and through the growing activity of the Violet Flame and Ray on the planet each person's connection to their I AM PRESENCE is fortified and strengthened and their cord of LIGHT is widening so their bodies are nurtured again by the LOVE and LIGHT of the CREATOR/CREATRESS and the "game" of taking advantage of the life force of others in order to benefit from stolen energy shall finally no longer be necessary!

One minute or more of SILENCE, one minute or more of a daily focus on humanity's AWAKENING in the LIGHT of the THREEFOLD FLAME, the Violet Ray and the Cord of Light nurturing humanity again as was intended from the beginning. This is my vision for the Moon of Active Creation, this is the journey I invite you to join me in, the focus I ask you to SHARE with your friends, on social networks, in your everyday lives!

Please forward this message on facebook, twitter, what'sapp and any social media you participate in to bring this vision to LIFE!

Thank you from the bottom of my HEART for embodying LOVE and COMPASSION as much as you can and more and more every day - and for particpiating in this unified meditation focus of ONE MINUTE for LOVE and humanity's awakening which I am sensing is ocurring NOW ... and forevermore NOW!

LOVE eternal - more information shall follow,

Sonja MYriel RAouine
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