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Old 20-10-2013, 06:14 PM
Spirit Wanderer
Posts: n/a
Greetings Spirit Guide Sparrow,

Over the past 6 months my guides on the other side and I have been working on various lessons ... helping me grow and learn. Most of my earlier life was spent in a very low vibrational state of mind and I understand it was all self inflicted now. A great deal of hate, pain, anger and emotional darkness most of the time. At the time - I couldn’t understand why I didn’t want to be here and why I was so miserable but that was all I knew back then. Within the past several months I’ve just recently been opening up to love and compassion as I become more aware of my surroundings and what it is that’s going on both in the physical and the afterlife.

I’ve read several times that the vibration we send out is what we attract but it didn’t sink in till I experienced it and my guides confirmed it for me. I’m not at a spiritual level where I’m not affected by negativity and letting life lower my vibration. Keeping my vibration high is a full time job at the moment. It's still a struggle only because I’m not used to my vibration being high on a constant level. I tend to get stuck sometimes in that dark emotional state until one or more of my guides raises my vibration and everything is right with the world again.

My question is - Please, how do I manage to raise my vibration (mood, state of mind) and keep it at a higher level so I don’t keep falling into my old habits.

I’ve been told by my guides to make a list of things I feel gratitude for ... loved ones, spouse, a secure job, nice house and so forth and focus on that ... practicing a state of gratitude so to speak on a daily basis. Also to do what I love which is drawing and art I’ve noticed also brings my vibration up higher but I can’t draw 100% of the time as it’s only a hobby right now. Meditation and reflecting on the love my guides express to me on a normal basis helps tremendously.

I understand each individual is different, what might work for 1 person might not work for another but do you have any advice and/or tips on how an individual is to stay in a higher vibration or a state of love and compassion?

Originally Posted by Spirit Guide Sparrow
Is there a hell?

Since the substance that forms the framework for the spirit realms is sensitive to thought projections, you cannot then expect to simply stroll straight into heaven if you have spent a lifetime in a state of hell. The spirit realm will always be a reflection of what you resonate within.
If you do not want to experience a state of hell upon mortal death, then start creating a state of heaven upon mortal life. For you will then carry forth this state into the ether world.


You posted the above earlier in this thread which now makes sense to me. The recent lessons from my guides tells me that’s what I need to work on at the moment is being a happier, more loving person and being in a state of higher vibration more often.
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