Thread: Twin Flame?
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Old 26-12-2018, 11:45 PM
Inika Inika is offline
Join Date: May 2015
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Originally Posted by Allison3333
Hello. I figured it's time for an update. Later after I sent the first text, I sent another text saying good night and he said good night back. I was shocked that he answered; my body felt numb. We texted for a little bit and I asked if he wanted to try to fix things, but he simply said "idk", but I knew it meant "no". Despite that, my texts to him seemed so... transparent. I told him how I loved him unconditionally, and somehow, I was the one apologizing, and he forgave me. I just told him everything I felt about him, even though I knew he didn't feel the same, because I felt like I could tell him anything.

I then went to bed and had some sort of spiritual awakening. I felt disconnected from my body and, despite being alone in the dark, I felt so much love in my heart that it felt like it would burst. It seemed so clear at that point that he was indeed my twin flame! Yet, when I woke up... that feeling had vanished, almost like it was never there.

I blocked him shortly after waking up and we haven't spoken since. I talked to my mom and she convinced me that twin flames don't actually exist, but rather that the feeling was self-induced.

However, later that day, I got a notification from a stargazing app I hadn't opened in months. I got one from it almost every day and usually ignored them, but I decided to go in for the heck of it, and the app was highlighting a meteor shower that was at its peak, and on the screen- you guessed it- shooting stars. A few hours later, I got another notification from the app, and when I dismissed it, the time was underneath... 12:34- another synchronicity. Could these have been literal signs from the stars?

I dismissed it as me looking too much into things and decided twin flames most likely weren't real, and it was unhealthy either way. I'm trying to move on, but I keep dreaming about him almost every night. For example, last night, I dreamt that I had my phone call a random number in my contacts and it randomly chose his.

So now, I've come to 3 possible conclusions. Either twin flames don't exist, in which case this whole thing is pointless and I'm wasting my time and should continue to move on. Or they do exist, but we're not actually twin flames, so I should still move on. OR he IS my twin flame, in which case what the heck happened to make us both the runner at the same time?

I'm going with the first one for now, which is why I wasn't on here in so long. I'll check in every so often because you're all nice and supportive. Share your insights if you would like. Goodbye. (P.S: I've noticed that watching/reading anything to do with twin flames gives me a horrible pain in my forehead area.)

There is another girl he feels for more. Sorry. I noticed you mentioned another girl after reading this but saw that before reading your other post. He does not feel the same......that right there is your indication that ....twin flame does exist but it does not exist in everyone we meet and feel for. Simply because he is not a twin flame or your twin flame does not mean twin flames do not exist. The soul is where its at and since that is under question of existing (we cant see it but feel it, a lot like LOVE) does not mean it does not exist. Both in the situation feel the same , share same values, spiritual path etc. This guy sounds unaware of it all. That is another indication of a non twin flame human soul.

have you noticed its only you going around in circles about it and the dreams. its all you projecting it not be from you but to come from elsewhere. The phone dream is your desire to connect and to be in contact. Its basic.

I even get a sense of because of another female around him he adores its making you on edge and looking to claim him as a TF to help ease why you feel so strong about a guy that does not feel the same strength of feelings toward you.

please let go. value yourself more than this. he is showing you and literally telling you he does not value you in the regard you do toward him.
Move hun. move away and go forward to what is out there for you.
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