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Old 03-05-2016, 05:25 PM
noxlumina noxlumina is offline
Join Date: May 2015
Posts: 269
My personal take is that we have lots of soulmates/soul connections. Every partner I've ever had, is the highest level soul connection I could have at the time. Sometimes as you grow, you outgrow people, too.

It's one thing if the whole Twin Flame narrative actually fits an existing relationship, but for a lot of us, it's pining away for a fantasy relationship or getting hooked on the drama of Crazy Love.

A lot of us get hooked into this idea of "one ultimate love" but we forget to live in the here and now and we forget to dance with life!

(Oh, and... when you truly open up, you may find yourself attracted to people you didn't even think you could be attracted to, because it's like you're looking with different eyes. One red flag I see in these forums a lot is that people seem to have a very, very fixed idea about who their soulmate is supposed to be, and what they're supposed to look and act like. That person may come in a very, very different package than they expected.)
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