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Old 07-04-2020, 12:35 PM
Posts: n/a
There is no blood, nor pain. It's is more like, Oh, here I go again.

Maybe it is about this part: No blood, nor pain.

'Oh, here i go again.'; going round and round and round and round...something needs to be confronted?

Shattered glass from a shattered dream? What i learned a few years ago is that even my every day life is most of the time 'just' a mirror. I'm not stating it is this way all the time.

What if you would try to tell the dream experience like when you were 'the shattered glass'. Like: "I am shattered glass. I am lying on the ground. And she's walking on me. Strange, but she doesn't seem to feel me...I don't cause her pain, although that is just impossible…"

Shattered dream...shattered feelings...emotions...
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