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Old 09-11-2012, 04:52 PM
Racer X
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Dreamer_love
Could you help me shed some light on the meaning of dream?

I made a drawing of a symbol occuring in it.

I saw something that looked like this flashing several times in my dreams.
It's a hand with a thump up holding a flying broom, or stick.

In my dream I was driven high up a schoolbuilding by ex-collegeas, teachers, and other peers, I reached a point where I couldn't run anymore and suddenly my dream become more lucid.

Those around try to "build" you (false idea of you) up. You know in your heart it is wrong so you run. (attempt to break free)

I realized(Higher Self is now Awakened) I was dreaming so I decided to free myself. I threw a rock at the window and jumped out of it, mid-air I grew wings and flew high up in the sky and around the building. I even flew through the building to tease those that couldn't catch me now, lol. Then a woman said that she only wanted to warn of an upcoming storm. As I flew in the sky again, the storm catched me.

The Storm(Subconscious upheavel) is coming! It must arise in all who wish to be free. Make CONSCIOUS all that is Unconscious! Allow it to rise , allow the storminess to be ...... yet do not allow it CONTROL. Learn to Master ACCEPTANCE in every situation. Mindfulness, Meditation, Reflection , will all aid in this~

Being somewhat lucid I skipped the part where I got killed by the storm.

The old you (EGO) is indeed destroyed by the storm. What remains after your illusionary self is destroyed? Only what is TRUE, the True Self remains~

Suddenly I was in the form of a teenager who had broken into this school building with a group of his friends. They were telling a scary story about a native american man, my dream persona, who died in the abovementioned way decades agoo.

I sense a Great Divine Lesson coming......

The hallway was dark and there was a storm outside. When a lightening flashed it suddenly brightened the dark hallway and I saw the apparition of myself that got killed by the storm. The apparition of me had big dark wings.

The Shadow Archetype.....

The teenager got scared and jokingly got his way out of the building.
By the exit a native man was waiting for me and I heard native ritual singing in the background.

The Teacher Archetype.....

The man explained that the stick was a way to fly, like witches fly a broom.
And that the hand holding a stick was a native symbol for flying and that I have been giving this symbol, this ability.

The stick represents all TRUTH , The Hand holding on to it is YOUR Consciousness holding on to TRUTH, no matter the storms fury. You are Now Aware of Freedom in Consciousness.

Can you please help me understand what he ment with flying? Astral projection or remote viewing?

No..... and Yes...... and neither and both and more. Flying is a simple representation of INNER FREEDOM.

I am not a NA by the way.

Thank you,


thats all folks~
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