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Old 18-08-2018, 09:28 AM
Sylmar Sylmar is offline
Join Date: Jan 2018
Posts: 517
It's probably how you look at it.

As a gemcutter I understand that a stone having a 'flaw' will make the stone less valuable but as a stone collector and also as someone who is interested in their metaphysical properties a 'flaw' is often a 'gift'. Something that makes a stone or a crystal stand out and make it more special.

For instance I have a large Peridot crystal with Ludwigite/Vonsenite needles running through them. For a gemcutter it would a be stone of little interest. As a stone collector it's very interesting because it's a crystal that is rather rare and apparently comes from one place only so I want to know more about it (didn't really succeed but you get my drift). As a metaphysical stone I am also very interested in its' properties. So all those different ways of looking at stones and crystals resonate with me. It's like they all matter to me.
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