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Old 01-02-2017, 02:10 AM
joy111 joy111 is offline
Join Date: Oct 2013
Posts: 59
I have had experiences, much like yours, involving a male entity. My experience started out as astral. I had no clue what astral projection was, at the time. After waking up, in the middle of the night, I heard a voice say, " I'm going to send a spirit to you. Do you trust me?" After a couple of minutes I saw an entity sort of swoop down from or through the ceiling and end up beside me, on my bed. Something strange was happening and I felt an energy that kept moving up and down my body. I wasn't afraid and I just kept thinking that I was being healed. Later, as I started researching things, I learned about chakras and I now believe my chakras were being cleansed or unblocked.

In my case, after the initial astral contact, I was in telepathic contact with this spirit while awake and I could literally feel his presence, a lot. I did not question things enough and trusted, blindly. Long story, shorter-It resulted in me, quitting a job where I had worked for 13 years, with no notice and donating EVERYTHING I owned, except for the clothes I was wearing and the furniture too big for me to put in my car. I went through a dark night of the soul, for a couple of months, following that. As I came out of it, I got a better job and I am not angry or regretted what happened because it was all part of a spiritual awakening.

Here's my take on my experience, which had a lot of similarities to yours. I believe in spirit guides, now. I feel like it was a spirit guide, who sent the other spirit to me. i believe he sent what or who I needed, to set me free from the materialistic prison that I was living in. I think it was a trickster spirit. I went through hell and I was so mad during my those months following the day I gave everything away, but it led to a more spiritual path and raised level of conscientious and for that, I am thankful, every day!

I have never been very protective of myself and I believe that learning the importance of that, was one of the lessons I was meant to learn during all of that. Another lesson, had to do with following,blindly and getting involved with narcissists. My relationship with the trickster energy could definitely be compared to my relationships with narcissists. Ask yourself if you have any issues, like that.

I have had a few occasions when I have heard or felt that presence again, but I do not engage it, anymore. This started in 2012 and I still have so many questions, but more than anything, I am thankful that I was awakened. The hardest part, for me, is that i can't shake the feeling that it happened for a reason and that there is something that I meant to do. I don't know what, though. Be cautious and protect yourself I don't believe this spirit means harm, but like I said, I have questions and I'm no expert. Just someone who believes what you have written because I have experienced it.
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