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Old 28-09-2017, 02:45 AM
winter light winter light is offline
Join Date: May 2017
Posts: 306
Sometimes in order to develop any intuitive ability the best thing is focus on the mechanics rather than to expand into ever more expansive states. Meaning that the boring left brain can actually be a good place to start. It gives a focus and then once you get started it will give space needed for intuitions to pop in as needed and fill out with more depth to the reading.

For example with astrology I hear people talking about "Saturn return" and I have no idea what it really means but I would appreciate an astrologer going over with me during a reading so that it would give me insight. If the person is younger than that age than right there you have some prediction to get started with. Same with any other areas where Astrology hands you some predictive structure.

You already seem to have integrity and that to me is the most important quality. I'm not too concerned about the future when I get a reading and I am actually opposite. What matters to me is insight about where I am right now. Most importantly if the reader can offer another useful perspective. And to do that the reader must be clear and peaceful not giving me drama to worry about. I hope that when you say you are sorry that you do this to be polite and respectful but you really have nothing to be sorry for. Each of us has different strengths and you need to respect that the reason why someone is receiving a reading from you has something to do with your unique perspective.

Another thing to consider is that when you are doing a reading it is not about you but it is about the other person. You cannot command or control what intuitions will arrive because what matters is information appropriate for the person receiving the work. So just do your best to translate clearly and then allow and trust whatever comes through is what is meant to be.
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