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Old 04-06-2019, 05:44 PM
Posts: n/a

The idea was to see whether there's any symbols or figures behind you. I've seen pictures of someone who I've used to hang out with through live stream. She had Hecate's sigil on her pictures. But she would also claim her chakras could be seen in some of her other pictures she had taken. And she did showed us. Which really showed different colors on her crown chakra. So I thought that was interesting

Give it a try and see what you might have attached with you or possibly see your aura or chakras. Experiment!

I've taken mine a while ago and I've seen a very shiny orb in my lower abdomen. And I've taken my picture twice to see if the orb would reappear and it did. It was there in the same spot. So I had no idea why it is on my abdomen.

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