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Old 23-05-2017, 07:05 PM
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Originally Posted by Morpheus
Yes, while He was "manifested in the flesh", KJ.
Jesus was perfect while in the world.
Only God is perfect.

"God was manifested in the flesh..."
St. Paul

What of, John 20:28 ?
Jesus had told Thomas after His ressurrection, who was doubting the witness of the other disciples, to look at His nail pierced hands, and to place his hand into His side, proving it was He.
Which when he did, realizing it was the risen Lord,
fell to his knees before Him, KJ, proclaiming,
" My lord and my God! "

There are many other supporting verses, KJ.

What is it about Spirit that the J.W.'s aren't able to percieve? If you have a large container of water such as an aquarium, and you dip a glass or jar into the water and bring it out, is it the same water?
Only in a different vessel. True?

Why do the JW's ignore prophecy also?

Again, the Apostle John wrote,
"The Word became flesh, and dwelt among us."

Jesus is the Word of God, the conveyance, through which the material universe was made.
In union with The Father.

All the angels that remain in Gods good grace are perfect. 1/3 excercised their free will and rebelled.
Thomas was confused.
Manifest in the flesh by his IMAGE that Jesus showed all( John 5:30)--an image is NEVER the real thing.
Jesus has a God---God does not have a God.
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