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Old 30-12-2011, 02:36 AM
Posts: n/a
Elaine and D,
I would first like to thank you for opening this discussion up.
Because its valid I believe for many people.
Many Christians are very curious about mediums,psychics,Witch's and spell casting. Its like a dirty little titillating secret.
But because of there religion after they get readings they often feel like they cheated on a lover. Guilt,anger,confusion, all plays a part and sometimes they even blame the devil. This line of thinking is what got many of my people murdered. I know its a pure question but if you really are concerned about that then stay away from it.
Mediums,Psychics, people like that are usually good helpful people who have done nothing wrong. Just born with a sight a little more developed then "norm". I believe it is a part of evaluation and we in the future might all have this. But until then these people will be called evil or fingers pointed that there gifts are from the Devil or there whack jobs. Mind you many are fakes but in general these people are just people. Nothing more.
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