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Old 02-02-2019, 03:48 AM
Rhetoricc Rhetoricc is offline
Join Date: Sep 2018
Posts: 38
We expressed telepathy and our love in physical but had no real contact, no offical talk. No way of reaching her. We're in the exact same college major/building but I can't find her again despite trying. I figured out a crazy amount about the telepathy and how all of this works, including reunion divine guidance but I can't force myself to stop missing her in order to raise vibrations/be happy again. I haven't felt any intuitive guidance either. I simply miss her, there's no lack and the feeling seems forced on me. It could be my tf's intense missing reflected on me, or I'm literally being made to/forced to miss her (because I get pulled/forced to feel it)

It was an EXTREME time of connection and divine guidance some months ago. I had literal 2 minds in my head and I was monitoring her exact mental state in real time 24/7 and it was quickly and perfectly synchronizing and following mine. My body was instantly affected when she fell asleep and I'd feel like passing out for a tiny moment. Could practically feel all she felt with intensity. I had ALL that extreme connection AND repeated divine guidance that gave me multiple physical encounters. I missed them all because I doubted it was really her and didn't take action. Guidance only makes you notice them (doesn't do everything for you)

It's been really calm, no guidance and naturally dead connection for whatever 1-2 months. Still dream of her and have her in my mind constantly, just reallly weak. A dead mental presence also causes you to detach and have lower connection. I couldn't make myself think of her 24/7. Everything is naturally near dead.

I'm not sure if all guidance is over after my many missed chances. It went from insanity in a short period of time to dead for a few months and still dead. All my being wants to think I'm back at the beginning of the cycle. The time when I first found about tfs and surrendered/kept it light for 2 months and all insanity began with reunion guidance. Did nobody have a similar experience? Just dunno why it'd go near dead for no reason. Could it be back at the beginning of cycle? Has anyone mentioned something similar? Basically it's like reliving the energy period of total seperation/surrender that led me to those divine guidance days along with extreme connection.
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