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Old 02-10-2019, 11:42 PM
Posts: n/a
I am part Cherokee as well as a few other races from all other continents of the world LOL and I have 2 spirit animals maybe 3 that I know of but only 1 has physically come to me and that is the black bird which is different then a crow as far as I know but my question is what is the symbolism for the black bird?
O and my other 2 spirit animals are the wolf because when people see my eyes they are piercing blue and my personality is like a wolf so I get the nickname "EL Lobo " from the people I work with haha.
And the 3rd is the silverback gorilla which is a common character to appear in my dreams despite the fact that I don't do see any or have any pictures of them or even think about them ever so I find that odd . But the black bird has given me so many experiences that have surprised me and made me rethink alot of the old Native American stories in hell a lot of them might actually be true and not just a Campfire story
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