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Old 03-10-2017, 03:44 PM
FairyCrystal FairyCrystal is offline
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Well, you pretty much summed it up yourself. When you are on a high vibration you aren't needy nor dependent on outside factors to make you feel good. you got inner strength to support you.
As soon as your vibration lowers you tend to lose that. You get more insecure, needy and dependent on others / outside sources to validate and support you.
The way out is to get your vibration up again. In order to do that, you'll need to find out why it dropped to begin with. What happened? Did someone say anything that got you off-kilter? And so on.
What can also help greatly is to not resist things if you've lost your drive and passion for things right now. Going with the flow will get you back on track at some point.
But if something did happen to cause this, it can be good to have a closer look at that and deal with it.

As for a significant other.... if you don't need one because you're feeling great, you will attract someone who's also feeling great. Then you can become wonderful co-creators from both your unique selves. That's a healthy relationship, interdependent (which few have btw because most still have too many issues to work out).

If you need someone you will attract a partner who will be needy too OR have commitment issues or some other issue, and you will bang around together because neither is really at the vibration they should be at. Then you get together to learn and grow and work through your issues so you can be ready for a healthy relationship at some point.
Many don't do this and spend their entire life in such a relationship.
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