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Old 05-07-2013, 08:55 PM
shadedragon shadedragon is offline
Join Date: Mar 2012
Location: New Jersey, USA
Posts: 1,604
Inquire from the Cousel of Elders- to Lightworkers

A message for lightworkers from a member of the counsel of elders who's focus is to work with lightworkers and others who's mission it is to help others. *I will be automatic writing here.

hello all, so happy to see so many of you here and welcome for those just beginning out. Thank you for taking precious moments out of your lives to read this.
I know all of you have been a great and and continue to be a wonderful friend of mine, although we do not all get to know one another well enough often. We need a few volunteers to become keeper of the light, another stage in your journey as lightworkers. In that position you will be able to see into other's flames as much as you open your own to them. Currently there are around 100 keepers of the light on Earth, but that number is slowly decreasing as they ascend or rise into different positions. To volunteer simply state your intent to the universe and we will respond. Again thank you for taking the precious time of your lives to reading this. It is important that we find those willing to enter these positions with Earth' s shift into its next few phases.
all things in our reality are there because they are a reflection of us, as for the time in thiers, we are a reflection of them.
the moment you try to find self is the begning of a journey to discover it doesn't exist

Project Spirit has set up a energy channel for anyone who needs it. We have it touch down in each country, and net outwards in them. You can access energy from this channel simply by intending to tap into it. Pm me if you'd like more info.
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