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Old 17-02-2020, 01:01 PM
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Week 28: Chokmah in Assiah and the 2 of Disks

General Symbolic of Chokmah:

From Kether, we reach the top of the White Pillar where Chokmah, the Wisdom of God, stands. It is the awareness of transcendental Unity, of the will of the divine. Too brilliant to be reflected directly to the different worlds, Chokmah wraps himself in the veil of Binah, the Intelligence that takes on the manifestation of a form.

A point is a position that appears, crystallizes in the primordial "void". It has no dimension. Kether is that point.

But if a point is conceived as moving in space, it becomes a line, an infinite number of points. Its only dimension is length. Kether is the dimensionless point, and Chokmah its extension into that measurable dimension which is the line (existence by extension). If we represent the primordial point that is Kether as becoming as becoming the line that is Chokmah, we will get a good image of it. This energy that unfolds is dynamic in essence. It is assumed in Euclidean geometry that the ends of a straight line will never meet, but this is only true in our near universe. Extend the line to infinity and it becomes a circle of inconceivable diameter, a sidereal zodiac whose constellations are the last elements that the eye can perceive.

Kether is a static state, a "crystallization" of the formless. But we cannot conceive of this concentration as a dynamic process. The limits of this crystallization having been reached, the force, the ever-emerging force of the unmanifested breaks these limits. The full potential of the energy that keeps our existence in manifestation.

This sephirah is the first to give rise to the appearance of a polarity. Although Binah, the sephirah facing it, is created from Chokmah, it is good to associate it with the other, because both are connected to Kether and form the basis of the polarity that gives its structure to the Tree of Life. As a creative force, it personifies the energy, the impulse that launches the project. Binah is the form. Or Chokmah is the essence and Binah is the universal substance. A Father cannot exist without a mother, Chokmah cannot exist without Binah.

Wisdom and knowledge should not be confused. True wisdom, or spiritual intuition, is as unsubjective as the certainty that two and two make four. It has the power to penetrate beyond the person to the primordial depths of divinity. On the other hand, knowledge is a state of human knowledge, useful but limited. In order to preserve the priority of wisdom over knowledge, oral transmission was long favoured. The true Qabalah must be received from within. The only true secret is incommunicable. It lies in what the student makes to spring forth from within and in the transformations that take place within him.

The student-hermetist is mistaken if he/she thinks that there is a book that will reveal the "hidden knowledge" to him/her or an Initiatic Order that will teach it to him/her from grade to grade. The only thing that can be proposed is a teaching pedagogy, the transmission of working tools and the realization of group rituals. This is very much and even indispensable in the magical process.

When the final stages of the quest are reached, it is important to keep in mind that the Light, Chokmah, is not the perfect manifestation of the Lord, but the last veil that still hides Him.

Chokmah in Assiah: Zodiac

We are reaching the limits of the material world. The sphere of fixed stars. These limits are those that man can perceive without instruments. They correspond to the innermost reality of himself.

The 2 of Disks - Change:

“The number Two, Chokmah, here rules in the suit pertaining to Earth. It shows the type of Energy appropriate to Two, in its most fixed form. According to the doctrine that Change is the support of stability, the card is called Change.

Its celestial rulers are Jupiter and Capricornus; and these symbols are most inharmonious, so that in practical matters the good fortune of Jupiter is very limited. Their influence on the card is not great. Yet, Jupiter being himself the Wheel (Atu X), he emphasizes that idea.

The card represents two Pantacles, one above the other; they are the Chinese symbols of the Yang and Yin duplicated as in the Hsiang. One wheel is dextro- and the other laevo-rotatory. They thus represent the harmonious interplay of the Four Elements in constant movement. One may in fact consider the card as the picture of the complete manifested Universe, in respect of its dynamics.

About them is entwined a green Serpent. His tail is in his mouth. He forms the figure Eight, the symbol of the Infinite, the equation 0=2.”
(Book of Thoth)

Picture of the card:
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