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Old 02-10-2017, 07:34 AM
Snow Goose Snow Goose is offline
Join Date: Nov 2016
Posts: 500
Originally Posted by shivatar
There is a buddhist practice wherein a person extends their circle of compassion to include the entire world. The entire world has murderers in it, rapists, child molestors, thieves, liars, manipulators. Do you think it's wrong for us to give compassion to all?

By not giving child molesters a safe space in prison you are basically saying it's OK for them to be murdered, beaten, and raped by other prisoners. thats what "sorting it out" means. What part of you thinks it's OK to do unto others what has been done unto them? it's the judgmental part, not the compassionate part. If we don't consciously sever the cycle then it just continues. A pedophile does what was done to them but to others. If we let prisoners do what was done to them to others we are simply letting things get worse and the cycle continue. Separation gives people a chance to break free. Condemning them keeps the cycle going. I mean there is still the chance that a few people are better off for being "sorted out" but we are trying to do the most good possible, right? and that comes from giving the most people the best chances to break free. Not by doing what we think is best and feel is right. We do right by others by giving them what they need, not what we want.

The things adult women do has very little to do with the realm of pedophilia. A pedophile is born when an innocent child is molested or raped by an older pedophile, usually. Sometimes it might be through a series of sexually obscene acts that the child witnesses and thinks are OK (deviant behavior that comes from observing adults around them). When it comes to the older pedophile they might be as young as 8, 9, 10 or as old as 70, 80, but they can still create another pedophile simply by doing what was done to them to others. Sometimes a child can break free from the pedophile identity if they have a nurturing and supportive environment to grow up in, but if a child is in a bad environment and is the victim of pedophilia the most likely outcome is they will grow to attack children or live with the desire to attack children.

Which by the way, would be considered to be a pedophile by some. Even if they never attacked another. If they have the thoughts and desires then they are one (by some standards).

I am not a Buddhist.

If we were living in a tribal community from long ago they would have been pushed from a cliff or thrown into peat bogs with their throats slit and I think that is the only cure.

My compassion lies with the victim. A victim of pedophilia should be the last person on earth who would want to do that to a child and repeat the cycle, if they repeat the cycle then they are as bad (if not worse than the original abuser).

I'm unsure what your paragraph about adult women is referring to? There are female pedophiles and they are just as guilty as the men. If you are referring to my comment about women fuelling the problem then in my eyes you are wrong, adults have a responsibility to protect children at all costs.

I'm assuming you have no children, maybe when you do you will feel differently about the subject.

Chrysalis gives a great example of how your idea of protecting pedophiles is not going to work.

There is a mass undercurent right to reduce the age of consent and we must do all we can to ensure this is never allowed to happen.
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