Thread: Time of death
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Old 29-05-2013, 03:59 AM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by LifeandOneness
Just curious as to when it is decided when a person dies ? Does the person before they reincarnate choose their time of death, or does the higher self just decide the time of death a day or two or even a couple of years in advance ?
thanks for any thoughts

I've read in numerous books over the years that "all time exists now". I've also seen into the future a few times, so at some very visceral level this must be so. If this is the case, then when we're born we've already died. Then we would indeed know ahead of time when, what and where..... but then there's this clumsy thing called "free will".

If everything is set and can't be changed then why bother playing-it-out in a day-to-day way? But if things are indeed changeable then how could the "end" possibly be pre-determined?

The subject itself is a conundrum.... We either know or we don't, we either plan or we wing-it.. we wake-up with each day as perhaps our last on this plane, or we extend into the future in ways that are mold-able, and reshape and reset both potential and outcome?

Conclusion...? I'm thinking that it's some-what above our current pay-grade, to know with any certainty, how this actually unfolds while we're physical. :^)
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