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Old 27-11-2012, 12:43 AM
Posts: n/a
Lahiri, I've wondered why I've read & heard so many stories about coins being used to communicate ...that's a great story, though! Shortly after my beloved passed I ended up telling my new hair dresser about him, turned out she'd just had a very vivid dream about her deceased mother (3 years passed)...we got talking about the signs...I mentioned coins & butterflies are common signs friends have told me about. She said she always notices nickels at odd times that weren't there before & never knew what it was...not 10 minutes later we go up to the counter to pay, and she is 30 seconds ahead of me. I look down, and there are nickels on the ground. I call her back to see & she can hardly believe it - her mom!

MutedBlue, I love the video story! My beloved's google account will open up randomly when I'm online; it's strange but cool like that, too ;) That was my response, too -- once these communications started, I KNEW there was a spirit world beyond in a whole new way...I'd always believed, but with an agnostic's 'but I guess we can't really know for sure...'....but now I KNOW. I wont' say I know all the specifics of what it all means, how it all works, what the experience is or will be in Spirit, but, they are still or can be around & communicate with us, this much I know for sure....
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