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Old 26-04-2016, 10:27 PM
Unseelie Queen Unseelie Queen is offline
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My audio recordings

Most of these were recorded at my sister's (very active) house last year. These were all recorded via my webcam. I know webcams pick up all sorts of background noise, but it's all I have currently. I made sure to record when the house was quiet and empty. (These are all very short clips, because until recently I did not plan on sharing them, and deleted the original recordings since it was mostly dead air and I must conserve space on my ancient dinosaur of a laptop.)

"voice1" :
A woman's voice. The last word sounds like "alive". It sounds like it was coming from the dining room, about ten feet where I was sitting when recording in the kitchen.

"voice2" : Also a woman's voice, but not the same as the one above. I've heard this voice in recordings before.

"creature1" : Just an odd, raspy Gollum-like voice that I've gotten in countless recordings. In this one, I hear "She's coming...BACK".

"mumblylady" : This one is actually new for me. Recorded in my room recently. Sounds like a woman chanting something slowly. It actually went on for about 30 seconds, but I deleted it, as it was much quieter and even less coherent. There's a distinct slapping sound at the end which I get in a LOT of my recordings.

"angryvoice1" : This is the type of voice I sometimes hear alongside the "creature1" sort of voices posted above. I only ever capture it when I've been out of the room (where my laptop is recording) for at least 15 minutes. In the background you can hear some sort of whispering. I actually can't remember when I recorded this. It was in my room. Sounds like it's saying "Go back... Get it off... NOW!" It is always making some sort of command or scolding something. Before, I recorded it saying "She's ASLEEP!" angrily, and another time, "Go find her!" So. Definitely a bit creepy.

"unclear" : To me, this sounds like the voice of a boy. Possibly "We've both been spotted", but I really don't know.

That's all I have for now. "voice1", "voice1" and "unclear" were all recorded at my sister's house (where allegedly there is a female spirit and her two children) within the same week. Some recordings were very slightly slowed or amplified (no more than 10%) in order to hear them better.
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