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Old 12-01-2018, 09:11 PM
Since1973 Since1973 is offline
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I am a little familiar with LOA, but I’m far from expert -however this is my opinion.

LOA has been misunderstood and manipulated to become a tool for personal gain ie money and power etc. If they’re honest, that is what most people want from it and they’re spending a lot of time and focus to turn that energy into material goods. However, I don’t believe that is what it’s really about.

I think the Universe is energy and I think you can consciously tap into various energy streams and I think you can be influenced by energy streams. Just think of how your emotions can change at different times, in different places. All of us have walked into a room and felt our energy change, or left a meeting with someone feeling different than we did before the meeting. Science has even backed this up by telling us our thought waves will mimic those of the people we are near. (A simple Google search will find this information.).

Additionally, I think many of us have experienced how our thoughts can influence our emotions and our energy. We can wake up feeling good, but then experience something we label as negative eg an unexpected bill arrives or a family member is grumpy and the thoughts we have about that can influence how we feel, act and behave. Many times a ‘negative’ energy will bring more ‘negative’ energy. However, if we can stay calm and look for the silver lining, maybe that ‘negativity’ can be turned around. Yes?

Well, I think that’s what LOA is. You can decide your thoughts and create an energy experience for yourself that is ‘negative’ or ‘positive’. You can control your focus and the direction of your thoughts and influence your experience in that way. I think all of us can see the truth of that, as I’m sure we can all recall ourselves doing that.

The issue with LOA, as I see it, is that people want that positive energy to turn into $50 in their wallet, or a new car in the driveway, just because they thought about it really hard.

Where it gets all mixed up is that if you have a positive attitude, are able to discipline your thoughts and manage your time constructively and are a generally happy and positive person, you are probably going to be successful in many areas of your life, including financially. You are probably also going to be able to attract friends / partners who share your positivity etc and then you’ve got yourself a great big happy success story.

I do know that Abraham says, ‘Feel better now, that’s all you have to do. Change your thoughts so you can feel better now.’ It would seem that many people think they need the money, life partner, dream job before they can ‘feel better now’. It’s like they’ve put the cart before the horse. ‘Feeling better now’ is more likely to bring you what you want, but even if it doesn’t, you’re still feeling positive and having a great experience anyway.

What we really all desire is a positive life experience. LOA can help with that.

Anyway, I hope that makes sense.
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