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Old 27-12-2017, 02:46 AM
Youami Youami is offline
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Destiny/Going With The Flow vs Law of Attraction

This is something I have thought about extensively since discovering the law of attraction/you create your own reality material years ago. Please read this with an open and un-biased mind because I am genuinely interested to hear others perspective on this matter.

I will preface this by saying that I personally have no doubt whatsoever that the law of attraction works and that we can indeed manifest desires into our lives by focusing on and energizing them. I have successfully done it many, many times. On the face of it this seems very beneficial and self empowering, the notion that we are in control of our reality. What I have started to think however is what if the law of attraction is actually a bit of a trap?

What I mean by this is what if we each have a unique destiny and life purpose we are meant to fulfill, and that all of the major events, people and circumstances connected to that path we are meant to be on are already in place when we get here, and that just by remaining in present moment awareness and following our heart/excitement, we automatically will be on the right path for us, which incidentally contains everything that we truly desire and that is truly beneficial for us.

Being that we still have freewill, we can however veer off this path at anytime if we so choose. This is where I feel that using the law of attraction to manifest our personal mind-based desires could perhaps interfere in what we are really meant to be doing, and as such can take us off the path we were meant to be on.

The reasons I have begun to think this are several:

1. Most of the major sources of information about LOA such as Abraham Hicks are channeled from some 'spiritual' source or entity. This in and of itself makes the information highly suspect to me. They (Abraham Hicks) basically say we are here to be creators of our experience and explore that to it's fullest. However if you take that out to its furthest logical conclusion, you then have a world of selfishness where everyone is focused on manifesting their next desire. The very nature of desire is that when one is fulfilled, there is another that pops up immediately behind it, and on and on. Surely this is the strengthening of the ego mind that most spiritual texts warn against.

2. When I look back on my life before I discovered LOA, it is very clear to me now how all the people and places and events in my life all worked together of their own accord to bring me the perfect life and relationships for me personally, but without any conscious intending of it on my part. I have had some amazing experiences and met some amazing people and been exactly where I needed to be at the right places at the right times, all without me trying to exert any control over it or putting any conscious effort into it whatsoever, just by basically staying in the present moment and following my highest excitement. No intentions, affirmations, visualizations etc.

3. Since using the LOA to 'manifest' things that I have wanted for myself, I have definitely achieved those desires many times over, however other areas of my life have simultaneously gotten worse. I can definitively say my life overall was better off before discovering and putting into practice the 'law of attraction'. Has anyone else experienced this? I feel it may be difficult for some to admit this has also happened to them because the premise of LOA is so self empowering, but I'm sure others must also have experienced this besides me.

4. I actually emailed these concerns and questions to the website. If you have ever visited that site, it basically states that the present moment and maintaining present moment awareness is the ultimate truth of life and challenges anyone to come up with a better theory. I emailed the author of the website asking these same questions and asked if he thought the law of attraction was beneficial of not and he replied with one word in all caps: TRAP. I had already formed the thoughts above before I asked him this, but I find it interesting that he also feels that way.

So, what do you think and what have your experiences been with this? I look forward to hearing some thoughts on this matter.
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