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Old 03-09-2016, 05:56 AM
SerpentSun SerpentSun is offline
Join Date: Aug 2016
Location: Ozarks/Shawnee Hills, United States
Posts: 425
But I do apologize for the long rant. I've just needed to vent about these strange experiences to a community that might understand. I know I sound absolutely nuts haha. I'm probably nothing special. But I meditate upon my questions and pray for answers, which are sometimes both funny and scary. I've accomplished more believing I'm a healer than I ever did believing I was a patient.

I'm learning happiness now. I have a new baby niece, I found a lover who is the water to my fire, and I may actually have a future. Life is relatively good. My most grievous injuries were in the past couple years, but those were jusf tests for my healing skills. I'm alive and well.

I live like a little animal now. Hunting and gathering food, brewing teas to cure illness, running barefoot through the woods, living as a nomad in the midwest US. I feel God in every breath, stone, and feather. Until my mom calls up complaining. Am I a shaman? Who knows. I just wanna hurry and help myself so I can better help others.
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