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Old 03-10-2017, 06:35 PM
Whatishealing Whatishealing is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2017
Posts: 2
The question of 'how does one heal' is something I have pondered for about 40 years. In my profession, the question takes on the meaning of how does one help other's to heal, but my reading of your question is more, "how can one heal one's self." These are actually more similar than they are different as there is nothing more common than a person versed in the healing arts who, himself or herself is a 'wounded healer'--that is, someone who has first needed to, and learned how to heal themselves. So, first, I want to encourage you to continue to ask this question and consider it a path rather than a destination. As you grow and find that you have made honest progress, you may be drawn to helping others. That being said, I want to give you a simple answer to your question, but don't be fooled into thinking that once you understand this answer intellectually that you will be able to make use of it. It is like the difference between listening to and appreciating jazz improvisation, and sitting down at a piano for the first time and trying to make something more than noise! So here is my answer (and you can find a fuller version of this at
Structures on all levels of existence from the cells of your skin to the spirits in your heart to the weather on our planet each carry a kind of vibration, sometimes a very complicated vibration like orchestral symphony. This vibration holds that level of existence in balance. When something unbalances that level (a skinned knee, a broken heart, an exploited planet) the vibration changes--harmony is lost. It is akin to how the birdsong in a forest changes when a predator comes on the scene. The new vibration signals alarm. Healing is nothing more than re-harmonizing each and every level that has come out of harmony. If we limit this discussion to healing just within a person, then there are two principle forces that can help to re-establish balance. One is a force that comes up from the earth, and this is a force that is often cultivated within the martial arts and sometimes called, 'rooting chi'. This is very useful for helping to heal our physical body. Martial arts training can help in accumulating this energy, but the trick is that once it is accumulated, not to let this excess leak away. The other force comes down from heaven, and this is cultivated by developing a compassionate heart. This force is sometimes called, 'grace', and is very useful for helping to heal our emotional and spiritual bodies. Cultivating compassion can only come about indirectly, through service and with the proper intent. A common error is mistaking the offering of sympathy for compassion. To cultivate grace, one must learn to practice 'compassion without sympathy'. As with rooting chi, it is important to be able to accumulate grace without losing it, but unlike rooting chi, grace is like the wind, it can't be held; only felt, so what one actually cultivates is a greater and greater capacity to channel the flow of grace...or you may call it love; grace is a selfless kind of love. So, to sum can one heal? You must build yourself up--acquire the energy from the earth and not let it leak out of you all the time, and you must cultivate a heart that grace and love can flow through. Leave off all intellectual thoughts of 'what level needs to be healed/what can I do to heal that level....' just stay away from having your intellect try to figure this one out! The intellect is good for alot of things, but healing---not so much!

Be Well LonerWolf
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