Thread: Trying to grow
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Old 16-06-2018, 02:56 PM
Posts: n/a
Hello Mschiropteran,

I think you'll have to tell us a little more of your story before anyone can usefully reply. Like, what attracted you to spirituality in those earlier days? What were you doing that you abandoned? Why did you step away?

What do you hope to get from a spiritually-inspired path - or just...spirituality?

If something turns someone on to spirituality it's usually irreversible. You can't have a sudden awareness about, say for example, social conditioning... then unexperience it.

It's important to ask yourself what you're looking for in spiritual development. Answering that will help you find a way to start - otherwise you'll just get bounced about between any number of gurus, ideas and currents and get nowhere fast. So...a useful start might be to learn to contemplate (stilling your mind, relaxing utterly as you might for meditation) then ponder this question - afterwards (maybe even during) noting down what you can remember that came into your mind along with any unrelated issues. Ideas that seem irrelevant might hold clues. It'll take some discipline. Half an hour a day is barely enough though once you get the hang you can practice at any odd moments).

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